Quote from DOC- Emphasize to your parents that you are NOT leaving Jehovah, just that you have lost confidence in the promises of the F&DS/GB because of all of their past failed prophecies. (YES, they have claimed to be today's "Ezekiel Class" prophet!) Thus, how can you make all of your decisions about your life on their promises. Tell them you must stick to the Bible and what it says. Demand that anything is supported by the Bible. JW publications never really do this.
DOC really like how you broke that down.
Once you put down their publications and just read the bible you wanna kick yourself practically eveyday. Wondering how you could of been so blind, but after that, the guilt starts to go away.
Reading John 8:32 and the "truth" shall set you free takes on a whole new meaning.
Welcome and thanks for sharing. Just remember to thine own self be true. You are the only one who has to live with the decisions you make and no human can comment on your relationship with Jehovah.
How does not wanting to follow man mean you have left Jehovah? Doesn't not wanting to follow man help bring you closer to Jehovah and the one whom he sent forth; Jesus Christ?
Relish in becoming guilt free.